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    Top 5 trends in creating Android apps for businesses

    By Lap Nguyen on April 22, 2021

    Top 5 trends in creating Android apps. As one of the two most prominent mobile application operating systems nowadays, the number of traffic from smartphone users reached a huge number. Therefore, the demand for creating Android apps is also increasing. But can businesses capture the trends and areas that are dominating when developing an Android application? Please read the article below!

    The huge customer base from creating Android apps

    The "expansion" of the Android mobile operating system platform has been helping many brands to compete with many competitors in the market.


    Deploy faster

    Publishing apps on Android seems comfortable and straightforward. This is also one of the reasons that most mobile applications are available on this operating system before they are published on other platforms.

    Multiple platforms

    By using Java as the main programming language, Android applications can be used on other platforms such as Symbian and Ubuntu, helping businesses reach more customers than ever before.

    Flexibility and scalability

    With the release version of Android Studio, the operating system has allowed to expand and upgrade more applications. Specifically, it allows apps to interact with the Android ecosystem including smartphones, tablets, wearables, and Android TV.

    Not only that, but the versatility of Android applications also allows programmers and app development teams to serve many different purposes of users.

    And there are many other benefits that businesses can take advantage of to optimize when creating Android apps for smoother and more efficient operations. Today's market with countless different fields of activity from business, retail, society, finance,... etc. Let's take a look at the 5 most dominant Android app design trends today!

    5 most prominent Android app creation trends today

    Finance Applications


    Financial applications attract up to 90% of users

    Nearly 90% of smartphone owners today use bank apps to make payments, store information, convert balances,...because financial needs are endless. Therefore, the financial applications in recent years have exploded and developed dramatically. Businesses develop financial apps to be able to reach a large number of customers who are trading "digital" daily. Also helps the brand to be more popular.

    However, security risks are the biggest concern of businesses who plan to build financial apps. Please contact the professional programming and application development agency to be sure of the progress and quality of the app.

    App to book appointments and service tickets

    The demand of customers for booking services is growing very high

    The demand of customers for booking services is growing very high

    It is not difficult to see today's young people shopping and using services through the app. One of the many outstanding services is health care services (spa, beauty salon, dentistry,...) or transportation services (passenger cars, buses, ...) with a large number of customers.

    This is also the premise that businesses have developed and designed booking apps to attract more customers to know their products through the convenience of using the app. Owning an Android application that makes it easy for customers to select and schedule shopping and service usage is one of the best growth app design trends today. There are several typical booking applications such as Vexere (an application that supports low-cost car ticket booking), Orban (service appointment booking platform), ...

    Shopping and e-commerce applications

    Shopping application that helps businesses grow sales

    Shopping application that helps businesses grow sales

    The retail sector in recent years is witnessing many major changes. Not only change in consumption but also changes in consumer buying behavior. The year 2020 has seen many retailers have been transforming digitally, integrating online platforms to bring convenience to users. The most prominent among them are the e-commerce platforms Shopee, Lazada, and Tiki,...

    Entertainment applications (Games, movies, music,...)

    The explosion of Online Game on Android platforms

    The explosion of Online Game on Android platforms

    The mobile gaming industry is a growing force as the need to engage with mobile applications is increasing. With the trend of integrating home entertainment applications, now businesses can develop and build self-games, music, and movie platforms to attract more users than ever before. The success of Spotify, Netflix, Free Fire,...is typical of the development of home entertainment in the present time.

    Application to measure health, support sports practice

    Keep up with trends in health with measurement and care support applications

    Keep up with trends in health with measurement and care support applications

    With the current Covid epidemic, it is not too strange for many businesses to launch applications to assist users in measuring and taking care of their health. Expected to continue growing strongly until 2025, outstanding healthcare applications such as Vietnam Health, SmartCity, ... have attracted many users.

    With the 5 most potential trends to create Android apps today, hopefully, your business can choose and develop for yourselves the right app orientation. The demand for customers to use the app is increasing, so do not miss the opportunity to build an app now!
