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    Tips for choosing the best company to design your individual requirements app

    By Lap Nguyen on April 29, 2021

    Tip when choosing design mobile app agency? With the great success of the "giants" in the technology industry. Nowadays, social, market, and business development are all affected by digital transformation trends. As a business that is planning on developing an app to keep up with this trend, do you know which is the best individual requirements design app agency?

    In this article, PSA Solutions will introduce you to 5 important criteria when searching for professional app design companies. Let's see what those criteria are!

    Find reputable design mobile apps agency on a technology platform

    A principle of "immutable" when looking for any product or any brand is always put prestige criteria first. Understanding those needs, many technology platforms have emerged to connect businesses and app design companies according to specific requirements. The most prominent is the largest platform in this world- Google, with a powerful search engine from Google, you can easily find suitable application developers. However, it is important to consider and carefully consult information from many sources because the policy of this platform is open, so most businesses can appear in the search engine. Your information is more complicated.


    Upwork - the best platform for connecting businesses and agencies

    A second platform that is very reputable and is also the best option at the moment is Upwork. Famous for its strict censorship policies, this technology platform helps many businesses find the right app development agencies. With 3 main search engines are:

    • Talent: Search for professional freelancers and agencies
    • Project: Reference and purchase pre-built projects
    • Jobs: For freelancers and agencies who want to find and connect with businesses

    Because of the outstanding advantages as well as the assurance quality of the agencies, most of the censored companies operating on this platform receive positive feedback and evaluation after many projects. One tip to choose reputable agencies is to pay attention to the content introduction that will have the words "Rising Talent" - the outstanding Agency.

    PSA Solutions Upwork Rising talent

    The next step, compare the costs of implementing the application

    Certainly, to implement an app, the cost will be the top factor that most businesses are interested in. And most businesses want to be offered better, cheaper prices.
    However, the cost to complete an application product is not only the functionality and the interface but also is determined by the main product maintenance and support after publishing the app. Some units also charge additional consulting fees, a guide to choosing the app...

    The cost to deploy an application is an important criterion that businesses concern about

    The cost to deploy an application is an important criterion that businesses concern about

    Therefore, you should only learn and cooperate with agencies to set clear, budget-appropriate levels, as well as outline the costs from implementation to support. An app with a decent cost is definitely better than an app with a low implementation cost. And since the app is an important lever for businesses in brand development, don't hesitate to spend a fee to collaborate with the best agencies!

    Evaluate the projects that those agencies have developed

    After you have learned and selected the right app design developer, the next thing you need to do is to review the projects that have been developed that are suitable for your own criteria or requirements. Or take a look at feedback from customers who have worked with that agency.

    Anyway, the website of each agency will have content to introduce an overview of the business, reviews from partners, or a list of developed projects. And through the information they provided, you can consult and preview real projects based on the links that agencies have integrated so that you can easily learn and preview the quality of implementation. Is this agency's project suitable for my needs?

    Carefully read the support policy of each design mobile app agency

    The support policy is also one of the top concerns of businesses

    The support policy is also one of the top concerns of businesses

    After learning about the cost and reputation of the app development agency, you can find out about the support policy and conditions attached to cooperation. In fact, it is not easy for you to point out the important elements of a support or consultation policy before making an app, but you can still refer to the following criteria:

    • Warranty policy: Is there a fee for the maintenance, app warranty, or not? If yes, how is the cost calculated? Is the flow of support available 24/7 or is it based on office hours?
    • Time of undertaking to complete the project: Does the unit commit to meeting the target, the time to complete and hand over the product?

    Test experience of the products that the agency has made before

    If you are still unsure about the viability or reputation of your business, you can still look again through the products they have made. You can simply go to the app store (Android or iOS), search and download the apps developed by that agency, use and experience the full features. Has the user experience been optimized or not?

    This is one of the most practical tips any business can be sure of before partnering with on-demand app design agencies.

    The final step is to experience the products that the agency has developed

    The final step is to experience the products that the agency has developed

    There are many ways for your business to consult and find an app design company according to your requirements. However, the 5 tips mentioned above are the important criteria to help you easily find the best app deployment agency. Hope you find the best app developer for you!
