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    5 tips for choosing effective app development services

    By Lap Nguyen on June 28, 2021

    What's exactly app development services? The need for developing mobile apps has become popular among businesses in Vietnam over the past 5 years. As a result, there are hundreds of agencies, mobile app development teams, not to mention about freelance programmers. If you are looking for an application development agency and you are struggling to choose which one to choose, the following article will help you define the characteristics of an effective app-making service. From there you can search for yourself and have the best choice.

    Ability to communicate coherently

    Ability to communicate coherently (app development services)

    The success of developing an effective mobile app depends on the level of communication between service providers and clients.

    As soon as you submit the request to the application development agency, the exchange will take place.

    This session can be face-to-face or through online platforms (email, chat...)

    If the agency solves your brief smoothly from the outset, it will help you evaluate whether the service you choose is clarifying your request.

    Besides, an agency can help you adequately thoroughly explain questions beyond your understanding, advising more on the ideas and how the app works.

    The constant and timely communication at the first stage helps you to know the working style and estimate the application time-making.

    Ability to build quotes and time estimation

    Ability to build quotes and time estimation

    After discussion with some agencies, you need to ask them to submit a quote and estimate the time. Any agency that can build a proposal quickly will be a criterion for you to evaluate.
    You will consider whether your requirements have been detailed in the offer and whether such an estimate will match the company's product launch plan.

    Projects that those agencies have implemented

    There is no better testing way than first-hand using their products the company has finished.

    Usually, mobile app development agencies will post their projects on their company's website. Try downloading the apps of those companies to your device and check how they work, the navigation is accurate or the functionality is working the way you want for your future apps?

    The small note here is that the app developer usually won't be responsible for the design of the interface. So you should not evaluate the developer of the application through the interface of the application.

    Notice if the apps developed by the company a few years ago are still easy to use?

    A good mobile app development agency can guarantee app development and sustainability of the app for at least 2 years.

    Ability to update new trends and creativity

    The trends of mobile apps in recent years are very different from 2015 and earlier, so a company making mobile apps needs to keep updating these trends to propose to customers and apply them in programming.

    Take a look at some popular mobile app trends in 2020:

    • Machine learning and AI (Artificial intelligence)
    • Blockchain Technology
    • Internet of Things
    • Clouded Integrated Apps
    • Improved App Security
    • Mobile Wallets
    • Chatbot
    • AR and VR

    When choosing your agency to develop a mobile phone application, you should talk to your provider about the technologies and trends that you would like to apply to your application. Because a trending application will attract potential customers effectively, and contribute to the satisfaction of loyal customers.

    Experience in making mobile apps

    Experience in making mobile apps

    We always believe that companies with more than 10 years of experience will develop good applications and perform consistently. Because mobile application development requires a lot of factors to be learned after many years of work: target customer understanding, programming knowledge, and skills,...

    This doesn’t mean that you have to ignore the software startup agencies. If any company can meet the above 4 factors, you should also consider them.

    One particular example is PSA Solutions. Established in 2015, having more than 6 years of serving customers in the software industry, despite being a relatively new company in the market, PSA Solutions has also successfully implemented many projects. You can take a look here.

    Feel free to work with a mobile application development agency that meets more than 3 out of 5 criteria above. Hope you have a successful mobile application!
