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    Why should businesses create iOS apps on mobile platforms?

    By Lap Nguyen on March 17, 2021

    Unlike the Android operating system used by many Vietnamese people, the iOS operating system only supports smart devices from the Apple ecosystem, especially the high-end smartphones iPhone. However, with the diversity of features as well as the great performance of the Apple ecosystem, iOS users are increasing. So in your opinion, why should businesses create iOS apps now?


    First of all, we need to distinguish two common programming languages for creating iOS apps.

    Swift programming language (in create iOS apps)


    The Swift language is integrated with a lot of modern features by the Apple ecosystem

    Swift is the most popular programming language for iOS app developers. Launched in 2014, developed and used up to now. At the present, the Swift programming language is used as an open-source and trusted by many famous mobile application developers. For businesses looking to develop applications on the iOS operating system, the Swift programming language is the best choice.

    Furthermore, the Swift programming language is also integrated with many more useful and great features such as syntax features and more accurate programming errors. Thanks to these features, application programmers on the iOS operating system can optimize and improve the performance of their applications better.

    Objective-C programming language (in create iOS apps)

    Objective-C is the premise for programming languages of the iOS operating system

    Objective-C is the premise for programming languages of the iOS operating system

    Objective-C is the first programming language used to develop applications on the iOS operating system and is also the premise for the Swift programming language nowadays.

    Therefore, although the Swift language is increasingly popular, Objective-C is still meaningful, important, and trusted in many different projects. Sometimes, the parallel use of both languages helps the iOS application development process achieve the most ideal results.

    However, when compared with the Swift programming language, Objective-C is less supported and that is the reason that many professional programmers now use this language less.


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    What does creating iOS apps help businesses?

    In the past, to buy an iPhone, Vietnamese users would usually belong to the group of high-income people who like high-end electronic devices with many features. Therefore, the iOS application market has not really been noticed by many businesses.

    Until the end of 2018-2021, iPhone has now become one of the most used smartphone brands in Vietnam from urban to rural areas.

    With predictions that iOS users will grow even more. Now, iOS applications are one of the hot keywords that many businesses will have to focus on developing and designing to reach more customers. Let's take a look at the outstanding benefits that iOS apps bring to businesses and customers:

    The operating system of the world's No. 1 technology corporation

    Most of Apple's electronic products are highly regarded for their quality

    Most of Apple's electronic products are highly regarded for their quality

    Prestige comes from the world's No. 1 equipment, technology, and software corporation - Apple, most users will no longer have to hesitate about performance, as well as the quality of products from the Apple ecosystem typically as:

    • Smartphone iPhone
    • Tablets and laptops: iPad, MacBook, iMac

    With the strength of expertise as well as a team of talented technicians, all applications when updated on the iOS operating system are moderated for UI/UX. Once your app is allowed to appear on the Apple Store, it’s proving that your app is authorized and trusted by Apple, this will help you reach a large number of users using the same ecosystem - Apple.

    Grow and develop brand awareness when creating iOS apps

    Increasing the credibility of businesses through apps is a very effective way of communication

    Increasing the credibility of businesses through apps is a very effective way of communication

    As mentioned above, because of the technology ecology of a world's No. 1 corporation, applications published on the Apple Store will be trusted by many customers. Therefore, if your app appears on this operating system, you will surely be known by a lot of customers. From there, it helps to develop the brand image as well as a milestone to increase business sales for the future.

    Not only that, users of the iOS operating system are living around the world. Owning an iOS app not only helps you expand your market but also increases your chances of reaching more international audiences.

    Great security in the Apple Ecosystem

    No more security concerns when using iOS apps

    No more security concerns when using iOS apps

    Many customers (users) are concerned that using apps belonging to other operating systems will not secure their personal information. However, the highlight that makes iOS’ name is an operating system that focuses on the rights and information of users. Therefore, with Apple's statement as well as customer positioning, iOS apps will be more trusted, less concerned about data hacking.

    High conversion rate

    iOS app helps to increase conversion rates very well

    iOS app helps to increase conversion rates very well

    Are you concerned about how your app can reach many customers and the conversion rate of orders, sales are not high? Don’t worry, the multitasking technology ecosystem brings many conveniences to users of the famous Apple brand. Conversion rate (CR, ROI) will be extremely bringing positive numbers to your marketing campaigns.

    Thus, creating iOS apps brings many benefits for both users and your business. Along with modern app development trends, hopefully, you can find yourself a professional app design company to reach more customers.

    Making iOS and Android apps for businesses through one of the above 5 companies requires your business to have strong financial resources. The quality of these companies is proven by the 10 to 20 years of regular operation, and the quality of the hit projects they have completed.

    However, if your company is a start-up or doesn't have the budget for this big game yet, then you can check out the mobile software development services of smaller, lesser-known companies, high-quality as PSA Solutions, Engma, Pogofdev...
