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    Developing shopping apps: New technology trend for business

    By Lap Nguyen on May 10, 2021

    How to developing shopping apps? App design for shopping has been one of the very hot fields in Vietnam. With the explosion of the digital transformation wave, most businesses "buy" for themselves a professional app to help attract and reach more customers.

    So what is a shopping app?

    Many reports on consumer behavior have shown that the number of Vietnamese people who are using smartphones is very high. In the past 3 years, the number of smartphone users has reached nearly 91%. With the development of application technology, users turn to smart apps for shopping, entertainment,...


    A shopping app, also known as a sales app. Is the software programmed and designed on today's popular mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS,... Shopping apps are born to serve the needs of searching, buying, and paying in a convenient way. Focus on the purpose of buying for customers, the shopping app today has a very high traffic volume.

    The outstanding features of the current shopping app must include such as: creating booths, products; integrated shopping, online payment; integration of shipping services; create push notifications; customer shopping data synchronization; product management, logistics; ...

    On the customer side, the shopping app is the best place for shopping. Just download the app from the Appstore or CH Play Store, with a few simple steps, customers can purchase and pay very conveniently.

    What should a standard when developing shopping apps?

    What is the standard for a shopping app?

    • The first one is: your shopping app must be truly convenient for customers. The app must have full features to serve the needs of users.
    • The eye-catching interface is an indispensable factor. Functionality is not enough, your app must have a layout, interface, and color matching the preferences and behavior of customers to attract them to use the app for a long time.
    • Fast, smooth app usage speed brings perfect experience for the customers, you should find an app developing company with independent algorithms to ensure fast access speed, not affected by network bandwidth.
    • And finally, to increase the shopping experience for customers, you should regularly update offers, promotions, ...

    Effective from designing shopping app for businesses

    Help reach more customers

    As mentioned above, the growth rate of smartphone users is still growing strongly and is expected to breakthrough in the coming years. Therefore, quickly owning a full-featured shopping app will create leverage for your business to reach a large number of users today.

    Nowadays, customers have turned to use apps to buy goods

    Increase customer experience

    Most of the customers love the shopping experience on mobile apps. Through these apps, users can easily search, track products, view product photos, add products to cart, change the quantity, choose the payment method, choose the form of receipt,...

    Besides, users can communicate directly with sales staff via chatbox, track order status, leave notes, receive automatic promotional notifications, receive product-related notifications,...bring a sense of convenience and efficiency to customers.

    In addition to the useful features of the application, to enhance the customer experience, businesses must ensure stable operation of app download speed, color, app layout, fonts, content,...before release.

    Increase revenue

    Thanks to the shopping app, customers can freely choose and shop for the products they like in just a few simple steps. Because of such convenience, shopping apps are now an impressive revenue-generating tool for many businesses. With the convenience of shopping applications, the user's buying demand will be increasingly promoted, and the revenue of the business will be significantly improved.

    Increasing competition with competitors in the industry

    With the shopping app, your brand will reach and engage more new customers. Not only that, if your app brings more convenience to users, customers will know your brand more. Once customers know and talk about your app, you have influenced their interests and behavior. Building a stable and long-term app will increase the competitiveness of businesses in the market.

    What is a professional app development company?

    What is a professional app development company?

    Thus, designing a shopping app is extremely necessary for any business that wants to boost sales as well as reach more customers. If your business is still looking for a shopping app developer. Please learn about professional app design and development services from the PSA Solutions developer team. Wish your business will quickly own the best quality app!
