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    Design application upon request will support businesses to catch up with digital transformation successfully

    By Lap Nguyen on July 6, 2021

    According to a survey in 2018 conducted by Tech Pro Research Survey: 70% of businesses and companies surveyed said that their company has transformed to digital. According to another study by IDC in 2019, 40% of spending on technology will go to digital transformation.

    The above numbers prove that business owners understand the importance of digital transformation because this has a great impact on customer experience and affects the survival of the business in the market.

    PSA Solutions has long recognized the need of digital transformation. Therefore, PSA Solutions provides on-demand consulting and app design services to assist businesses in digital transformation more easily.

    Design application upon request will support businesses to catch up with digital transformation successfully

    What is Digital Transformation?

    Digital transformation is a series of activities that change the way of operation and specific works ever since through the application of information technology. For example, in the past, sales activities would have been through a physical store, and marketing activities would take place in the traditional way such as handing out flyers, giving out product trials,... etc.

    But as businesses transform by "building" more online stores, customers from anywhere can buy products. In addition, marketing activities have also become more diverse: sending notifications to customers daily at certain time frames, sending mass emails to customers when there are discount programs...

    What does application design upon request mean for the digital transformation?

    What does application design upon request mean for the digital transformation

    Businesses satisfy loyal customers

    Digital transformation happens everywhere, mobile apps are an example of the digital transformation.

    We use smartphones because the applications are integrated in the device, you can buy airline tickets, order food, pay phone bills ,... on a mobile phone. All fields from economic to education, entertainment... can take advantage of this trend by creating their own mobile application to reach out to the number of customers using mobile phones. From here, making mobile applications was born to meet the needs of businesses, which is how to retain loyal customers?

    Based on the target audience, businesses will design interfaces suitable for their customer base. Custom app design also allows businesses to apply the latest technologies to give users the best and relevant user experience. If a business can make a successful mobile application and many customers love it and use it, it is considered that the business has stepped on the road to success in digital transformation.

    From there, let's talk about the importance of businesses that make mobile applications upon request. PSA Solutions Company is a specific example in supporting businesses in digital transformation by providing services related to mobile applications. This company will support you from the moment you have no idea for your app until you introduce the app to customers.
    In addition, PSA Solutions also has a service for requests related to active mobile phone applications such as maintenance and upgrading of those applications if necessary.

    Businesses take advantage of the latest technologies

    Some of the current mobile app trends include:

    • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
    • Blockchain technology
    • Internet of things
    • 5G wireless technology
    • EMM and APM
    • Instance mobile app
    • Beacon technology
    • Wearable devices

    Building a mobile application in this era allows you to apply all of the above technologies to create an advanced application that suits the needs of your customers.

    Take the Internet of Things (IoT) as an example. IoT refers to the fact that every object and person has the ability to transmit and exchange information with each other through the connection of wireless networks wifi or 3G, 4G, 5G, or Bluetooth, Zigbee, infrared. Internet-connected objects: light bulbs, dishwashers, washing machines, headphones,...

    Imagine a washing machine controlled by a phone app, everything you need about the washing machine is explained in detail on the app you have available in the machine. How convenient that will be for customers and for you, the cost for customer service staff is also significantly reduced.

    However, these things can only become a reality when the application is developed by service providers who can quickly apply the advances and flexibility of technology to the mobile application.

    Business increasing revenue

    Business increasing revenue

    The truth is that to make a mobile phone application, you have to prepare at least $3,000-$5,000. However, this amount of money is a well-founded investment because the mobile phone application, if done well, will surely have customers learn and use it. Besides, asking to make phone applications at reputable businesses like PSA Solutions helps you control all your expenses.

    The process of making a mobile application upon request is always sending a detailed quote so that you can imagine what the function of each component on the application will bring to users, so you can sell better. if you respond to your customers
    So the amount of money spent on making apps in the digital transformation of businesses is a basis for profit.

    In short

    Digital transformation is really important. Making a mobile phone app can help businesses save their lives if they are lucky enough to meet a reputable and quality service provider in the field of custom mobile app design.
